My first facial treatment at Caring Skin

11:05 PM

About a fortnight back, I was fortunate enough to start on my first facial treatment with Caring Skin! I was quite excited about it because I don't do facials regularly because it's hard to find a place that gives me the results I wish to receive, and I lived on the perception that as long as I take good care of my skin with my daily skincare regime, I'll be fine! After all, I don't face "serious" skincare issues like acne, breakouts, scars and pigmentation.

On the surface, my skin looks normal and fine with the naked eye but you know, girls being girls, we're NEVER ever satisfied with how our skin looks! We're always complaining about the lack of glow, the dehydrated skin, the large pores, the blackheads etc etc... Or at least that's what I feel about my own skin.

Upon arrival at Caring Skin, I was led into their consultation room and had my SkinMap Analysis done! I was actually so intrigued by this analysis because it analyses everything about my skin!!! From size of pores, hydration level, pigmentation, wrinkles... Things you cannot tell with your naked eyes. I already know before hand I have very, very dry skin but I didn't know how DRY it actually is!

(hahaha pardon how unglam this looks!!!)

Here's how the SkinMap Analysis looks like. Just one of the "pages" of the analysis results. Here, it shows that my pores are a little large with some fine wrinkles but thankfully, I do not face much of a pore size/wrinkle and pigmentation issue. My main issues were (lack of) moisture and dehydration of my skin! My skin hydration level was actually 17% (I took a photo of it but dk why it didn't get stored in my cam!) ??!!!

...Is my face having a drought or what :'( I also had dark eye circles possibly because it was still my exam period then! What horrified me was the analysis showed that my skin age was 27!!! Oh my, I am only 22!!! T.T At that instant, I really regretted not listening to my mum about not to burn so much midnight oil because it makes me age really quickly... L O L

Having my skin go through this skinmap analysis was extremely helpful imo, it was my first time doing a skinmap analysis and I felt that knowing your detailed skin conditions will make your facial treatment a lot more effective, as well as having my future skincare routine tailored specifically to my skin conditions! Most estheticians that I have previously visited do this "analysis" with their naked eye, and then start promoting all kinds of their treatments to me! But I was pretty sure I was well taken care of at Caring Skin (:

I was then taken to the treatment room to begin on my facial treatment! The treatment that I did was the Nano Perfector Treatment (worth $280).

"A 1st choice treatment that improves the appearance of all imperfections. With the molecular nanotechnology, this rejuvenating treatment triggers biological response in the deep youth cells by minimising pores, evening out skin tone, and blurring fine lines and wrinkles. It sets to work on skin with soft focus effect to target imperfections. Combining with Vitamin ACE, Nano Perfector intensively moisturizes skin whilst improving skin’s texture and clarity."

The treatment consisted a total of 15 steps (but I will just go into details of the main steps) and lasted for around 90minutes. I had my treatment done by Hui Qing, who was really gentle on my face throughout the entire treatment! I knew I was in good hands, literally hehe.

Of course, the 1st step is always Cleansing. I had my skin double cleansed -- first to remove any traces of make up (sunblock for my case) and then to clean my face thoroughly. The above photo is a photo of my face, right after cleansing, with no make up NOR any touch up done with the photos. My skin was dull and lacked of radiance. I'm just thankful that even with very dry skin, it wasn't dry to the extent that I would start breaking out.(my skin has very low sebum production too!) Hence I have a pretty clear face from acne, but blackheads were concentrated around the nose area.

After cleansing, HQ proceeded on with Peeling, which removes dead skin cells, dissolves the plugs that causes blackheads, and evening out the skin tone and texture. After the peel was removed after 5-10minutes later, my skin was flushed with thermal spring water (I felt a little amused at this initially cos the spring water was sprayed using the distilled water bottle that we are familiar with in Chemistry lab last time LOL. The exam stress obviously got to me)

The thermal spring water was REALLLYYYYY cold but it also felt quite shiok because my skin felt super smooth and velvety after that! It gives a soothing effect and the flushing technique helps to improve the skin's elasticity by exercising the muscles. The peeling and flushing procedure was done twice before my skin was fed with Vitamin ACE and White Essence for hydration and purifying!

This is my face right after applying the Vitamin ACE and White Essence! If you take a closer look, or even start scrutinizing my face hahaha, you'll realise there're now more glow/radiance on my cheekbones/T zone and U zone! My skin also really felt like baby skin at this point in time :O

Anyway, I'm really sorry for the lack of photos, I was too busy enjoying my treatment at some stages LOL but I promise I'll come back with a lot more photos after my next visit!!

What followed after was even more pampering of my skin with a facial massage done with Hydro PH balance Gel that contains red wine extract which helps to provide intensive moisturizing and anti-oxidant effect! It was a really relaxing massage and I was close to falling asleep by then already. After the massage, comes the horror and fear of most of us during a facial treatment -- EXTRACTION.

(After facial massage and before extraction, check out the glow omg hehe)

Extraction came pretty late in this treatment which is quite unusual since the facials I've done before and I'm sure most of us are familiar with is done right after cleansing and hurts like a b*tch LOL. But no, I guess because of all the cleansing and massaging done prior to extraction, my pores were well prepared for this step and with HQ's superb skills, there was ZERO pain and I actually fell asleep!!!

First time ever I manage to fall asleep during extraction, and I didn't even sneeze! (My nose area is extremely sensitive and I always sneeze like mad during extraction LOL) After Extraction, was the application of a double layered mask -- a Vitamin ACE/Whitening mask as the base and a hydration mask on top. During the time when the mask was on, HQ also gave me a shoulder and neck massage which was so shiok! Especially since I have been burning tonnes of midnight oil prior, a massage was really good to ease all the tenseness and tiredness in my shoulders.
(hello to even and smooth skin tone, we haven't met for awhile!!)

Finally, after removing the mask, final touches was applied to my skin with toner, moisturizer and sunblock and I was done!!!

Here's my skin RIGHT AFTER the whole treatment. My face was no longer dull and had glow like FINALLY! But I didn't want to blog immediately because I wanted to make sure the results stayed and the treatment worked on me. And the results didn't disappoint indeed.

After 1.5 weeks, I am still able to go out without any base make up (except sunblock) even when I have to work! The radiance on my skin stayed and I'm also having less blackheads on my nose as before. All the photos above were taken within the past 1.5weeks with NO foundation/compact powder/base. Only concealor on under eyes and eyeliner, lipstick and filling in of my brows at the end. (No beautifying of skin on any photo apps either! The only thing I ever retouch on are occasionally my eczema scars when they get too obvious) Only on days when I need heavy make up, I will apply a thin layer of powder and then apply some blusher on. I've been very very satisfied with my skin condition and how the results stayed, especially since I love going out barefaced most of the time!

Many thanks to the wonderful staff at Caring Skin for taking care of my skin, and I'm gonna plan for my second treatment there and come back with more photos for you all :)

Now, for my readers, here's a little treat for you all! For all FIRST-TIME customers at Caring Skin, you guys are entitled to try out the Nano-Perfector Treatment (UP $280) at $108! However, for my readers and followers, you guys are entitled to a special price of $88 with a FREE SkinMap Analysis (!! I really love this haha) when you quote my name "XinLin" ! (:

Also, receive a FREE Beautifying Eye Care Treatment (worth $98) when you book your appointment during off peak hours from 1130am- 4pm on Weekdays! It's really a pretty good deal I must say!

*Prior booking of appointments are strictly required and subject to availability

Caring Skin
360 Orchard Road
#07-07A International Building
Singapore 238869
(building next to Shaw Towers)

Tel/Fax: +(65) 6737 7797 / +(65) 6733 3501

Operating Hours:
Monday - Friday: 11:00 am - 9:00 pm 
Saturday: 11:00 am - 6:00 pm 
Alternate Sunday: 11:00 am – 6:00 pm 
 Closed on Public Holidays


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  1. Looks like you had great results! It seems like such a simple procedure, I am glad that you brought it to our attention. I loved the details that you provided, it sort of sets my mind at ease. I think I may have to look into this as my blackheads are getting out of control.

    Maureen Fleming @ Nirit Reani
