Reading Week

9:06 PM

It's reading week now and everyone's mugging their ass off. All I see on Instagram's feed is countless photos of Starbucks and notes (super guilty of that as well but I don't post 'cos I believe there's enough of it in my feed already haha) Just kinda lucky 'cos my first paper's on the 30th and that leaves me with 2 weeks of reading week ^^

(Yeah but don't remind me that by then almost everyone is ending/has ended their exams T.T) HAHA

I love reading weeks 'cos I get to study according to my own body clock and don't have to adjust to school timing. hehe. As if it hasn't been obvious enough my study habits are extremely reliant on my warped body clock! Been something that I've been wanting to change but I never ever succeed to but I guess I know my own body clock best. And am just extremely lucky that there's a 24hours Starbucks near my place for me to camp permanently... lol

Been watching webcasts and trying to catch up with all the missed lectures for 2251 the entire day and hence I'm taking a break by coming over to this space, while happily sipping away on my Toffee Nut Soy Latte ^^ (best Christmas/ seasonal drink on the menu EVER and I love how the barista remembers I drink my drinks w soy milk^^) (& btw I don't like butterbeer how do people drink it everyday?!)

& btw I got excessively bored yesterday and hence I (re)created a account (at the side bar!). I got way too lazy with formspring the other time and I don't know whether I'll end up being too lazy to reply anything again but okay there you have it! -->

3 final papers and I just can't wait for 6th December to arrive. Too many things on my to-do list and it's also time to set my 2014 resolutions proper as I'm turning 21 next year. Better enjoy the last of my teen-hood while it lasts for the next 2+ months!

Back to watching the last webcast now, here's to another productive day! ^^

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  1. Hey, enjoy your 21st Birthday next year.

  2. Haha it's quite early but thanks in advance!:)
