A fulfilling February

8:48 PM

It's March already but it feels like I just blogged a few days ago! It's either I'm slow or time is passing too quickly. I believe it's the latter!

But within the past 2-3 weeks too many things have taken place! Was probably the most tedious period of my year 1 life in hall but I felt really accomplished at the end of the day (ie today LOL) Firstly, there was Sheares Production which is a drama play put up by our hall on the 15th and 16th February @ ACJC Theatre!

(It was bump in day and we were bored waiting for our briefing to start lol)

It was pretty much an experience since I've been part of many dance productions over the years and this time I finally got to experience a theatre production! Certainly more familiar to me than say, sports or something! Talk about lightings, props, sets, tickets, makeup, stage and all. Can't remember when was the last time I actually sat through a drama production, probably Dramafeste back in JC? Yes I think so. Was in charge of ticketing and it wasn't an easy job as one would have thought it would be. (yknow, people always think it's just printing and selling tickets and that's it lol) Nevertheless, I learned something new from joining SP and also manage to meet new people and work with them :)

And so, the week right after SP, it was Chingay! (on a thurs-sat AGAIN) I missed so many lessons those two weeks I almost died catching up after that! Not my first time at Chingay but a first time being a Chingay choreo! It is really a CCA in hall I never regretted joining because 1) I am definitely a sports idiot/ culturally inclined 2) It is dance afterall 3) Awesome people I got to work with!

The 7 of us started working on the choreo since October last year and it was really the best moment when we saw them present it at Chingay on those 2 days! Along the way we did meet with problems too -- Attendance, schedule clashes and all but we still overcome it all! Really glad to have been able to work with my fellow choreos and Chingay comm and of course all the dancers! Especially fellow hall mates who took the time and effort to come down for most of the practices, it really means a lot to us (:

With the SHHK sunday class ppl ^^
Guys will always be guys! Lol..

I'd say it's really one of my best year 1 memory in hall so far (: Probably it being something I really enjoy doing and the people doing it with me make it even more enjoyable! (:

Then came recess week which was spent clearing sleep debt, catching up with work and spending time at home! Spending time at home over the past three weeks have become so precious to me since both SP and Chingay falls on a weekend so I'd usually head back to hall after that! (transport provided what #lazy #excuses) Extremely thankful I do not have any midterms this week, and the only mid terms I have is on week9!

But still, this week was just equally tiring spent with minimal sleep and too much work to be done. You see, if there's a synonym for hall life, it probably is no life (outside of hall) during weekdays LOL. There was D&D pre-event which just took place yesterday and we had to come up with an item during the wee hours of the night for the 2 nights prior to the event! & things only get worse when I have two assignments due today and I'M HERE BECAUSE I AM FINALLY DONE W THEM.

Finally some time to just sit down and chillax for a bit so well, might as well be a bit more hardworking and blog about everything that has been happening!

February was short but definitely fulfilling for me! Even though there were a few hiccups along the way, events that were emotionally draining, but I believe that everything will just work its way out in the end. Optimism is the way to go, isn't it?:)

Looking forward to the weekends, which is actually right now ;-) Have a good weekend everybody!

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  1. Hi, referring to the post about Ur A level results lat year. I can understand how u feel as i have been through similar experience with it. I come from jc(Which i shall not mention). Basically i used to be among the top 20% in my jc during my jc1 and jc2 years. Thus my teachers expected me to perform well during my A levels. But to my horror on my A level results turned out to be CCD/D.That was in 2011 when i received my A level results. I was shocked because that means i could not go anywhere at all. I have been usually performing well at schools how how there is a sudden drop.In fact i did better for prelim than for my A levels. That was the lowest point in my life and i don't now what to do with my life.To make things worse i seen others who done so well and disscuing which course they would attend in uni where i cant make it to uni at all.And no one understand me or even have someone to talk to at all. In fact i was even being laughed at and being scolded silly etc on that day. That was the lowest point in my life. Morever im not allowed to retain in school even after ny parents went to see the year head. I went into depression afterwards. After calming down, I start to rethink my piroties in life. I still have not give up hope on getting into a local uni. To do so the only way was to retake my A levels as a private candidate. But it is easier said that done. Imagine have to study for A levels on ur on with hardly any help from teachers or friends and without even a proper school and having to juggle NS commiment at the same time. Life was a struggle and it was the toughest time of my life. But i insitede on making it to the local universities. Finally after 2 years. Which is now i got a new set of results which is BCC/B. 71 rank points. Though nothing fantastic im quite happy with my results. This sums up all the suffering ive been through so far and im glad that at least ive survive this toughest moment of my life so far. And im glad that now i do stand a chance at the local universities.

  2. Hey, I'm really really happy for you that you've gotten so much more optimistic and for the big improvement in your results!:) To be honest, you're so much more stronger than I am because I knw it definitely isn't easy to do private A's and have to struggle army commitments at the same time, it must have really been tough on you and you should be really proud of yourself!:) Thank you so much for sharing your story with me, it really is my honour :) I hope you'll earn yourself a place in your desired course in local unis and be happy in them! Fret not, like what alot have commented previously in the older post(s), nobody really cares about a level results in uni! It really is like starting afresh there and you just gotta keep yourself going. With discipline and determination, which I'm pretty sure you lack none of these, you'll make it through! I'm really happy for you to have overcome such a phase in your life and wish you all the best! (:

  3. Hi XinLin:
    I am a stranger here, bump into your blog by accident.
    Just want to tell you that I enjoy reading your blog very much.
    Keep it up.


  4. Oh. Tks for ur compliment.Waiting for my uni application now.Totally agree with that singapore education system is too elitist and overcompetitive. It really is "SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST" in evolution terms, where natural selection will only select for the best which can survive.

  5. Oh yeah,to continue from the previous post, I just got in to NTU le!!!! Ive been offered to read Chemistry. Felt so happy as my hard work finally paid off. Its like my dream of going into uni have finally come true!!!! after so much hardships.

  6. to the first anon:
    hey thank you so much, :) will try to update as often as I can:)

    to the 2nd anon:
    yay!! so happy for you! But pls do enjoy your hols now while it lasts... it's really the best hols ever :P hehehehe nevertheless, jiayou ok! ^^

  7. Your legs are so long!! HAHA okay anyways your blog is so insightful and I like the way you write! :) I have nothing to add actually just wanted to compliment you
